Geumsan Ginseng Market, Korea

Geumsan is widely known as the largest ginseng market in Korea, holding 80% of the nation’s ginseng trade. Along with its enormous ginseng industry, Geumsan is also rising as the largest herbal medicine market in the country. The Ginseng & Herbal Medicine Market is a traditional market with a long-standing history, offering a variety of health products at its international market, Susam Center, Ginseng Medicinal Market and shopping center.

Products here are 20-50% cheaper than elsewhere. Merchants and consumers from all over the country gather at the market on the 2nd, 7th, 12th, 17th, 22nd and 27th of every month starting at 2am. The Geumsan Ginseng Town is a 9-story ginseng and herbal medicine department store situated within the Geumsan Ginseng & Herbal Medicine Market. It offers ginseng and herbal medicine at remarkably affordable prices.


Popular nearby, compatible sites for a private tour in Chungcheongnamdo:

Geumsan Ginseng Museum

Chilbaekuichong Tombs



24, Insamnyakcho-ro, Geumsan-eup, Geumsan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do
충청남도 금산군 금산읍 인삼약초로 24 (금산읍)


Operating Hours 


Herbal Medicine Market closes on the 10th, 20th, and 30th of every month